In the beginning there were bubbles... Within hours after electrical connection Biorock® reef structures begin the process of Mineral Accretion. Hydrogen bubbles are released, rust is converted back to iron and Calcium Carbonate begins forming around the structure, thus a growing reef is born.
The BiorockŪ method is the only method known that produces the natural limestone that corals need to grow on and accelerates coral growth, healing, and resistance to stress. It uses electric or solor energy to directly increase coral health, allowing it to survive conditions that would kill it, and allowing reefs to be restored where they cannot recover naturally. BiorockŪ reef corals provide superior habitat for fish and shellfish, and have made severely eroding beaches in the Maldives grow 15 meters in a few years. BiorockŪ reefs in the Maldives and Indonesia have more corals and fish than surviving natural coral reefs around them, making them prize-winning eco-tourism attractions.
The illustration demonstrates a unique method for enhancing coral growth through mineral accretion or the Biorock® process.
The metal structures, which can be designed to be any shape or size are submerged in sea water. A safe, low voltage, electric current is applied which flows through the metal frame. The electric field causes minerals in seawater to precipitate and adhere to the metallic frame.
The result is a composite of limestone and brucite (CaCO3) with a composition similar to that of natural coral reefs and tropical sand beaches. The structures form ideal foundations on which attached corals grow and flourish. This is the Biorock® process.
Robust coral formations, along with the natural protection from the Biorock® structure, soon attracts a wide variety of fish and other aquatic life making the site ideal for snorkelers and divers.